Sunday, 7 November 2010

little introduction

Arts University College At Bournemouth where i start studying next September

Snap from last week! Aviator jacket and heavy knit scarf, couldn't possibly go wrong

Before heading straight into anything, i thought to start off with a couple of images to see my personality more! However, i do understand this only gives a breif outside perseption. Furthermore i want to assure to anyone reading this, i'm not one of those stereotypical "fashion fakes who think they i going to be world famous by blogging pictures which think make them so individual ect! you know what i mean! haha. I simply would gradually like to show my passions for those who take interest. I will eventually upload images of my work! 

natural passion

Well, where do i begin?

I have never kept a diary before or noted down my emotions. Therefore most definately not created a site, in which i cant apply these aspects for others to look uppon. However this is what i'm going to start doing! but tell the tales of my flourishing ambitions within the fashion industry, consecutive years of having a natural desire, to persue a realistic career within the design of fashion. Only aged 15, i can understand and look back on development of this area and other inform exciting facets! But in all honestly, i still have no idea how to work this blogging site therefore am going to solve this! Thanks for reading x